Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Squirrel Wars Two: the further chronicles of

I really thought  I had 'em beat (see last  posting for  2011 for info explaining what this is about).  But yesterday morning as I looked out the kitchen window I saw a couple of squirrels suspiciously hangin' out  on the roof of the garage near  the far bottom corner - which is where the their access hole to the attic was located.  Well now...I put on my war gear and out I marched... first to have a look at their entrance from the outside. It is very difficult to get at as it is right  dead centre to the confluence of the soffit going horizontal along the side of the garage and the soffit going verticle up the back gable - which, to add confusion, is also where the  shed roof of the lean-to meets the garage.

So!  What did I see? A huge hole! They had chewed around the blocks of wood I had screwed in to block their earlier egress. I had left some room - say maybe  a third of  an inch - I mean their hole wasn't nice an square or anything. Anyway there it was  - a hole about 3 and a half  inches in diameter...freshly chewed.

Army Soldier Pictures Free DownloadWell enough is enough!  Into battle mode it is - once again into the breach my laddies! Open the garage door - same routine - bang away at the rafters, on the garage door - on the walls - all the while cussin' at them  and generally makin' a good 'ol ruck-us.  Then I found a piece of left over aluminium siding from under the lean to - got my tin snips & screw gun and set about covering everything up in that corner under the soffit - screwed it down nice and tight with nary an opening anywhere. It was a lot more work than these few lines may suggest. but it was a labour of, no, not love, rather  grit & ferocity. Then, since there was nothing left to do but wait and see I left it and went on about my business. And that, in this case meant I got on with doing the Lord's work... specifically, visiting one of our elderly  church members in the hospital and another in his home. Did I do that with the same determination? No not quite - that actually was a labour of love. But that is another story entirely.  This morning (Jan.3rd already!) -  my wife and I are going out for breaky - and I will check on the enemy when we return.

And so I did and I am embarrassed to report that the enemy is still  well ensconced and without a signed lease. I went in and made a big fuss - a lot of sound and fury - signifying nothing as far as the enemy is concerned. My strategy now is to leave the garage door open and periodically go in and  crank up a storm of  bangin' and stuff... the thinking is that they will not want to live up there with all that ruckus.  The thing is, dear reader, I really do not want to go up in the attic and try to 'chase' them out. The last thing I want to do is corner them. Cornering a 'coon is worse - much worse - but squirrels are no picnic either! 
 So far the score is: Squatter Squirrels 2 - Andyman  0

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