In a time of ice and snow, in a garage not so far, far away, comes a tale of humility and angst, of deception, defeat and unmitigated gall! Alien forces, cleverly disguised as earthly planetary residents have entered and taken over enemy quarters. It has become a base from which they emanate, in brazen defiance and arrogance to carry out what subterfuge that may enter their fiendish, devilish brains.
Young Anno Soldieranno has bravely taken on the challenge... " the breach!, to the breach! my laddies!" Words, words...oohh but words are fine.........we shall do this!, we shall do that!....he conspires with his fellow man: What shall I do? What shall I do? Shall I take on the challenge and thereby put my pride at risk? What pride!? What pride!? his fellow compatriots respond. Oh the bitter, bitter truth!
Young Anno Soldieranno looks down, and as he considers deep and dark, his inward thoughts dredge up and age old musty thoughts come to the fore. The words...the words... the words ring clear... the words his father spoke... though long so many years ago...young Anno Soldieranno fighting with an anxious and rebellious horse....through the mists and fog of time...the words rang out...the words rang clear
..the horse is smart... and more than you!"
The stakes are raw... a fatal flaw... is pride and indiscretion!
And so the question
: to put yourself to the test and suffer the slings and arrows such action shall surely exact...or quietly, silently slink away!
Oh blood of Frisian Vikings rise! Rise up and boil and to the ramparts roil - and there to stand as no man ever stood before!
The truth my friends... my dear compatriots ....the squirrels are winning! My feeble attempts of throwing mothballs up in the attic made no difference what so ever. I thought I had been victorious in squirrel wars 3 but , alas and alack- 'twas not to be. Yesterday, when I opened the garage door - again the desperate scramble of alien hordes - sound and fury once again to hurry them on their way. Today I carried out reconisence and discovered their newest and most odious ' in your face' point of egress: the same! the same! as other wars...but - this time right where the blocks and soffit meet.... a 3 inch diameter hole...again! Are they beavers! Are they shape changers?! This time I cut a square foot of aluminium and screwed it securely over the hole... again. It's on the gable end on the back of the garage so even though it is unsightly- it can not be seen from the front. We shall see... we shall see...
And indeed there will be time | |
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?” | |
Time to turn back and descend the stair, | |
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair— | 40 |
(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”) | |
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, | |
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin— | |
(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”) | |
Do I dare | 45 |
Disturb the universe? |
Much is at father's challenge...nothing less!
I grow old. I grow old.
I shall wear my trousers rolled!
(apologies to T S Elliot)